Good Morning Everyone

As you can tell I really enjoy writing these blogs. Most of the time I produce 5 blogs a week missing some the odd time because of work, travel, vacations, and etc,. I like to share videos and pictures of what is going on here at Cobourg Tae Kwon Do. I like to share the works of others. I like to help others through the various topics that pop into my head. For some of you some of the topics may seem like I may be preaching a little perhaps?! This is hardly the case.

You see, my blog is almost like a daily journal sometimes. It is one tool of many that I can use to help improve upon myself. It forces me to think about the various aspects of daily life. What can I improve on. What changes do I need to make. What am I doing right. What seems to be working and what is not. What are the things I see other people doing that could be improved. What are the things that others are doing that I think are great.

I am merely sharing my thoughts as they come to me. If some of these thoughts happens to help others that is awesome. If some of these thoughts you find entertaining or interesting, great. If there is anything that anyone wants me to write about please let me know and I will do my best.

Just my thoughts, not preaching. I’m not perfect to do that. I just work towards self excellence.

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do

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