Part 2 of the Black Belt grading at Cobourg Tae kwon Do


Here is part 2 and the final part of the grading held on June 20th at Cobourg Tae Kwon Do. So I left off with Master Joyce doing various blocking, kicking, and conditioning drills for just over an hour. Next master Gayle ran the students through various taekwondo patterns then she got creative with it. She had the students doing their patterns in different directions, blindfolded, tie with partners, and top and bottoms.

After that the students had to perform their musical forms in front of the rest of the group. Musical patterns allow the studetns to be creative and show everyone else an unique part of their personality. The last physical thing we had the students do was their various breaking techniques on pine boards.

I always like to finish gradings with an one on one mini chat with each student alone in my office. I like to ask them a series of questions in order for them to examine how their grading went, and what they believe are their weak and strong points. This allows the student to be 100% honest with themselves how they did. A very important part of being a black belt at my taekwondo academy.

I want to take this time to mention a few more things. First I want to thank Master Joyce, Master Gayle, and Sir Richard for helping out with grading. It was a long day for all of us but very rewarding all the same. Second i wanted to mention Jeff. He was truly the leader of the group of students grading. He kept spirits up, cheered everyone on, help others when they needed it. He set a positive example for others to follow.

All that needs to happen now is the black belt ceremony next Friday night June 26th at 7:30pm. All are  welcome to come and watch. All the new black belts will demonstrate various taekwondo skills to the audience and recieve their new belts and certites at the end. I look forward to it. Good job to everyone that passed.

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do

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