Good Morning

Well it has been almost two months since I started my new nutrition, supplement, and workout routines and I must say that I am feel great. I have more energy and feel less stressed. I dropped about just over 6% body fat and put on some lean muscle mass. My cardio is getting better since my injury and my strength has increased steadily lastly.

I have pretty much always eat pretty healthy but I needed to up my nutrition game and I am glad I did. Both from an athletic side and from an overall longevity standpoint. I want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can. I still want to be able to practice and teach martial arts when I am in my 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. I want to age slower but keeping ky body and mind healthy.

I have recently shared what I have been doing with a few students and formal students and they are sharing the same type of results. It is nice to see other people with lots of energy and feeling good about themselves.

Your personal nutrition really does effect how you live your life. Something to think about.

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do


Good Morning

Well it has been just over 30 days since I started a 30 day cleanse to get rid of toxins in my body and to get rid of the little bit of unhealthy foods that I still assumed. Just ver 30 days since I changed my supplements around and started drinking more water than I use to. Two weeks since I changed up my weight training routines as well as implementing new stretching routines after my morning workouts. All of this has added up to me feeling great, having more energy, and less soreness after workouts. I am also down about 4 percent body fat and gained a few pounds of muscle.

I will keep you posted as I continue my journey.

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do


Good Morning

Does your morning routine set your day up for success and stress free for the most part or does it set your day up for chaos?

Your morning routine helps sets the tone foe the rest of your day. You have the power to start your day anyway you want it to be. The question is how do you want your day to start and continue for the rest of the day?

My morning routine goes something like this

  • Wake up and go to washroom
  • Grab my protein shake and start working out
  • Finish working out and finish protein shake
  • Post something inspirational on social media
  • Post something I am grateful for on social media
  • Have a shower and get dressed
  • Eat my breakfast and brush my teeth
  • Arrive at work by 7:00am or a few minutes after
  • Write a blog and post it
  • and etc

To the most part I can do this routine 6 days a eek without little disruption if any at all. I have carefully designed this routine for many years and it seems to work for me. I get stuff done that needs to get done. I wake up motivated. I keep myself in shape. I feed myself good foods. I try to spread a little motivation and inspiration in the morning as well.

If you current morning routine doesn’t quite work for you or it could be better, what are the changes you can make to make this happen?

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do


When you work out, are you keeping tracks of sets, reps, how much weight, how long you ran, and etc,. ?

Do you know what you did last workout so you can do a little more this workout?

Do you write down one workout to the next so you can keep track of your progress?

If you are, good! If you are not, why not?

Physically writing down what you did workout to workout will help you achieve your goals by showing you your progression. Showing you what is working and what is not working. It makes you more accountable for your training sessions. It helps takes the guess work out of going to the gym and figuring out what to work on. If you want to achieve your goals it is important that you know where you have been and where you want to end up. You need to write down a clear map of your journey.

So if you are not tracking your workouts you might want to consider starting today. All you need is a pen or pencil and a notebook.

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do


I came across this link yesterday. Even though the man that did this experiment used Coke as a vehicle, I believe the real valuable information lies in what sugar does to you. Check it out.

Master Jonathan Field

Cobourg Tae Kwon Do