How To Defend Against Collar Grab – 3 Simple Defenses Against Lapel Grabs

You will learn How To Defend Against Collar Grab in this video with 3 simple defenses against the collar or lapel grabs. Ranging from you need to defend yourself with self defense strikes to defending yourself with joint locks, to using your situational awareness to deflect an attempted attack. Defend against collar grabs works against someone grabbing your shirt or coat.

Master Jonathan Field

What Is The Best Self Defense Weapon?

What Is The Best Self Defense Weapon? We discuss in this video what is the best weapon to use for self defense and why? The answer might surprise you what we chose as the best self defense gadget that you can carry on you and is legal everywhere. Knowing how to defend yourself is important and knowing what to use is just as important for your personal safety.

Master Jonathan Field

Self Defense Keychain – How To Use The Kubaton

Introducing the Self Defense Keychain and How To Use The Kubaton self defense keychain with your other self defense moves and self defense strikes to develop a good self defense strategy to defend yourself against an attacker. The kubaton is simple to use and easy to carry in your hand while you go to and from your car, home, work, or school. Acts both as a self defense weapon and a tool for deterrence against potential attackers.

Master Jonathan Field

How To Fight Like Miyagi Do Karate – Are The Blocks Real?

An in-depth look at How To Fight Like Miyagi Do Karate by looking at whether or not the blocks are for real or not? We all know the Miyagi Do Karate blocks from The Karate Kid movies and Cobra Kai Netflix series, but are these blocks real martial arts defense techniques or just made up? Can you the miyagi do blocking techniques in real self defense?

Master Jonathan Field

Ma’am Cheryl’s Top 3 Favourite Self Defense Strikes

This video goes over Ma’am Cheryl’s Top 3 Self Defense Strikes that she goes to most of the time when practicing self defense drills and when teaching women’s self defense classes. These 3 self defense strikes include elbow strikes, knee strikes, and punches and throat strikes used for self defense situations where you need to strike your attacker.

Master Jonathan Field