3 Beginner Kickboxing Focus Mitt Drills | Part 12 of 12 | Self Defense For Women

Learn 3 Beginner Kickboxing Focus Mitt Drills you can use to help with your self defense and fitness training. Kickboxing focus mitt drills are an excellent way to work on self defense strikes while improving your fitness and reducing your stress. Plus it’s a great way to spend sosme quality time with a partner. This video covers, the switch round, and double jabs adding onto the jab punch, rear roundhouse kick, cross punch, lead leg roundhouse kick.

Master Jonathan Field

10 Reasons To Start Training In A Striking Martial Arts First

Master Jonathan Field goes over 10 Reasons To Start Training In A Striking Martial Arts First versus starting with grappling-based martial arts. Why you should start with taekwondo, kickboxing, karate, or boxing versus jiu jitsu, judo, aikido, and so on. Master Jonathan discusses the reasoning behind his educated opinion. But ultimately he believes that everyone should do martial arts regardless of style. What what you like.

Master Jonathan Field

Upper Body Striking Only Beginner Sparring Drills | Self Defense For Women

Upper Body Striking Only Beginner Sparring Drills is a great way to just focus on your boxing skills and boxing sparring as well as focusing on adding elbows and palm strikes to your beginner sparring drills. You can work on offensive and defensive punches, palm strikes, and elbow strikes for mma, kickboxing, and self defense. Most beginners will feel more comfortable with hand strikes or upper body sparring as it will feel more natural as we were taught to use our hands more than our feet. Focusing on getting good with boxing skills will help you defend your head as well as learning to set up your kicks and knee strikes to the groin and legs of your opponent or assailant.

Sparring in itself is unpredictable as most self defense situations are. Martial Arts styles such as taekwondo, where you do a lot of sparring, are more practical for self defense because you aren’t just drilling with theory. You actually learn what sparring skills and self defense skills work for you. This is a key point we teach in our self defense for women workshops.

Master Jonathan Field

13 Things That Make Your Martial Arts Style Legit

Master Jonathan Field goes over 13 Things That Make Your Martial Arts Style Legit. Discussing such training factors as sparring, strength and conditioning, striking, takedowns, wrestling/grappling, situational awareness, sport/competition, and many other factors that let you know if your style of martial arts training is legitimate or not.

Master Jonathan Field

12 Things To Look For In A Good Martial Arts School

Master Jonathan Field talks about the 12 Things To Look For In A Good Martial Arts School when deciding where to sign your child or yourself up for martial arts lessons, whether it be Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Judo, Karate, and etc,. Some of the topics you should look out for are; is the school clean, they do teach actually martial arts, do they have insurance, what rank are the instructors, are they certified, and much more…

Master Jonathan Field